November 13, 2012

Serbian Traditional Food


Some really interesting stuff about our food

So, as subject says, lets talk about serbian food and drink.As i don't want this blog to be so official I will always add my personal opinion and share my thoughts about all subjects that we are going to talk about.
I know you've all eaten chinese or italian food, but, have you ever tried serbian specialties?
Did you know that yearly, Serbia is producing tons of unique cheese, with delicious taste?
Food is based on mixture of meat and vegetables.
Kebabs are national meal, in combination with cabbage, olives, and tomato.
Sauerkraut, cabbage rolls, corn bread and pies are also often on the menu.
I also like fish soup of trout, it has strong taste, and if you eat it with bun, it will be delicious.

In old part of Belgrade, there is a street that I proudly recommend to all gourmands, street name is "Skadarlia Street" where are about 10 prestige restaurants .
Every night, there is live music for all of you who like that way of night life.

Of course, i have to mention serbian national drink of "Šljivovica" which is basically a plum brandy.
Its really tasty, but two glasses are enough :)
There a lots of variants of brandy, based on what fruit is used to make it.(Apple, plum, apricot...)

Pork and chicken are definitly favorite meat here in Serbia, and its usually served with johnnycake, brandy
and all kinds of salads. Pork goes best with "greek salad" - olives, tomato, lemon juice, oregano and cheese.

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